“With technology, teaching and learning becomes easier” – NSYAC

Connect Rwanda welcomed New Star Youth Academy (NSYAC) to the ever-growing partner schools in Rwanda in 2019. Before 2019 the school lacked technology tools for teachers and students.
Thanks to donors and volunteers, Connect Rwanda was able to donate the much-needed equipment such as laptops, iPads, projectors, and internet routers for both students and schools to use. In addition to the technology, Connect Rwanda’s teacher training program (created and implemented by Connect Rwanda’s partner school APACOPE), the NSYAC teachers have made further improvement in their teaching curriculum.

(Picture of the APACOP teachers with the NSYAC teachers. This was taken before Covid-19)
Through this partnership’s work, the teachers and students of the school were able to stay connected during the lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Teachers have grown their skills and knowledge in technology hence the capability to explore and utilize it for the good of the students.
Connect Rwanda continues to find ways to support its partner schools in Rwanda, especially critical during the recovery of the education system in Rwanda which was greatly affected by the pandemic. If anything, the pandemic further emphasized how imperative technology is in a classroom in Rwanda and all over the world.
Read More about the school’s message in a letter shared by the school’s headmaster below.