Thank you Annapolis OB-GYN – Laptops Making A Difference!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Thank you, Annapolis OB-GYN! – 9 laptops changing lives! These laptops are now in the hands of hard-working teachers in Rwanda. Consolee (pictured) was the recipient of one of the laptops.

Connect Rwanda’s donated laptop program is indeed a “feel-good” endeavor, but the “outcomes” cannot be ignored!  Nationally standardized test scores have increased from the 40th percentile to the 90th percentile.  That’s over the four years that Connect Rwanda has been partnering with the APCOPE school. Our technical people have it figured out and simplified.

Technology + Teacher Training + Love = Success!

Given the right tools and a little training, these teachers are making it happen.

Thanks again Annapolis OB-GYN for making this possible.

Phil Greenfield one of the Annapolis teachers(Annapolis High) taking part in the teacher collaboration in Kigali this Summer was delighted when he saw the post of Consolee. “Consolee is awesome! Tell her she can now make powerpoints on her new computer!” Spreadsheets were just one of the areas Phil had concentrated on this Summer during the Teacher Collaboration trip.
