Carl Wilkins

Carl Wilkens is a modern-day hero. When the 1994 Rwandan genocide broke out, he was the only American who refused to leave the country. In 2011, Carl completed a book detailing these days titled “I’m Not Leaving.” A 40-minute documentary was later released. Maryland Hall ~ Bowen Theatre Friday, January 31 @ 7:30 pm (Sponsor Tickets to… Continue reading Carl Wilkins

Connect Rwanda Teacher Collaboration Application

The 2020 Summer Teacher Collaboration Trip to Rwanda will take place from June 24th through July 15th. Connect Rwanda will select five educators to take part in this 3-week training and cultural immersion experience. Teachers of all experience levels will be considered. Click here for the application:

Ntiva Donates Notebooks

As Connect Rwanda expands to more schools in Rwanda additional technology is needed and Ntiva has filled that need. Thank you, Steve Friedkin of Ntiva, for your donation.

Teachers Selected For Summer Rwanda Trip

Connie Coker (L) and Ellen Bernagozzi Smith

“Can you send Connie to our school,” one of the visiting Rwandan teachers had asked after a Google doc presentation Connie had made during one of the break out training sessions in the Spring.  Connie Coker, M.Ed., is the Director of Technology and School Strategic Initiatives at St. Mary’s School in Annapolis, MD. She is also on the… Continue reading Teachers Selected For Summer Rwanda Trip

Rwandan Teachers Here To Learn

“You have taught us so much. But most important, by opening up your lives, you have taught us to be better human beings.” ~ D’eve Mbarushimana (Primary School English Teacher APACOPE School Kigali Rwanda) Four teachers and one administrator from the APCACOPE school spent two weeks in Annapolis Maryland, and surrounding areas learning first hand how we… Continue reading Rwandan Teachers Here To Learn

Projectors Making A Difference

Images make such a difference. Traditional teaching methods in Rwanda have been mostly verbal, without images. Go into classrooms throughout the country and you will see some very stark empty walls. Educational wall art and posters are expensive to ship from the U.S., so Connect Rwanda utilizes technology to fill this void. One projector in a… Continue reading Projectors Making A Difference

APACOPE School’s Progress

“Our standardized test scores have improved steadily since you have been working with us,” said Adelaide Dusabeyezu, headmistress at the APACOPE school. “Look at the progress over the past four years,” she said running her fingers over the print-outs scattered about her desk. “You can see that we when we started with you, we were testing… Continue reading APACOPE School’s Progress

CPR MultiMedia Solutions Donates Projectors

Game changers in the classrooms – these Sanyo projectors! Virtually void of images, most Rwandan classrooms really need more, and these 3 projectors will literally change hundreds of lives over the next few years.  Teachers now in possession of laptops and internet can brighten the lives of so many students. Thank you, Jeff Studley and CPR… Continue reading CPR MultiMedia Solutions Donates Projectors

Thank you Annapolis OB-GYN – Laptops Making A Difference!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Thank you, Annapolis OB-GYN! – 9 laptops changing lives! These laptops are now in the hands of hard-working teachers in Rwanda. Consolee (pictured) was the recipient of one of the laptops. Connect Rwanda’s donated laptop program is indeed a “feel-good” endeavor, but the “outcomes” cannot be ignored!  Nationally standardized test scores have increased from the 40th percentile… Continue reading Thank you Annapolis OB-GYN – Laptops Making A Difference!